Cataract treatment

Cataract treatment

Our task is to save your vision!

According to the World Health Organization, more than 50% of all diagnosed cataracts occur in people aged 39 to 65 years. In today’s world there are more than 500 million patients suffering from cataract, and in 20 million of them it caused blindness!

You should know! Cataract is not a fruit! It is very dangerous to wait for its maturation! Without timely surgical treatment your vision will be constantly deteriorating and can be completely lost!

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The basic concept of the treatment of cataract in our clinic is to restore vision to the extent possible. Ophthalmologists and surgeons of our clinic have vast experience in diagnosis, treatment and extraction of cataract. They use modern professional equipment and effective therapies. Results of treatment show that the technologies used in cataract surgery are safe, high-precision, well tolerated by patients of all ages and yield an excellent result!

HOW DOES cataract affect the lives of patients?

With the occurrence of cataract patient's life is gradually changing. While these changes seem to affect only his/her vision, the disease affects the whole body, the general state of the patient, as well as the quality of life. Studies show a direct link between the restoration of vision after cataract surgery and improving overall health, psycho-emotional state, social activity and the quality of life. There is a direct correlation between the loss of visual function in the elderly and the negative impact on their physical and mental health. That, in turn, leads to the development or exacerbation of diseases of other organs and systems. This occurs due to a decreased everyday activity. As their vision deteriorates, patients prefer not to get behind a wheel, the area of normal activities gradually narrows, they lose some social interests and, in the end, they face difficulties even when performing household tasks. In case of a marked decrease in patients’ vision, spatial orientation is made difficult, the risk of trauma increases, they lose their independence and have to resort to the help of other people in their daily lives. In the end, it leads to social isolation and clinical depression. In the past, millions of people had to get through it. Currently, there is no need to wait for cataract maturation and expose yourself to unnecessary risks, acquire unnecessary illnesses and feel constant discomfort in everyday life. We, ophthalmologists, recommend cataract surgery in the early stages.

By extracting cataract and restoring our patients’ vision, we return them alive!

You should remember! Your eyes and your vision are the primary means of interaction with the outside world and the main tool in any activity! You need them 365 days a year, 7 days a week.


Cataracts is a chronic, progressive disease caused by partial or complete lens opacity due to age-related or pathological processes. It is manifested by progressive vision deterioration and the onset of conditionally reversible blindness.

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HOW does cataract develop?

The development of age-related cataract consists of a series of stages. Initial cataract: at this stage opacity occurs on the periphery of the lens and vision usually remains good. Then, initial cataract becomes immature: this is the second stage of the disease, when opacity seizes central and optical zones. Immature cataract is accompanied by a marked deterioration in visual acuity; the patient notes a pronounced visual discomfort, which makes it difficult to lead a normal life and perform work. Then mature cataract follows. It is the third stage of the disease, in which the whole surface of the lens is occupied by opacities. At this stage of the disease it is virtually impossible to work, because of the complete absence of object vision. Also, at this stage of cataract, the lens even more distorts anatomical relationships in the eye structure, which leads to serious complications, such as the development of secondary glaucoma. The next, fourth stage is overripe cataract, fluid or Morgagni cataract. At this stage there is a further progression, accompanied by degeneration – decomposition of lens fibers. Overripe cataract has a risk of serious complications: a rupture of the lens capsule can occur with the release of the contents into the eye cavity, resulting in phacolithic iridocyclitis, a dangerous inflammatory complication in severe cases leading to death of the eye followed by the need of its extraction.

Eye Eye cataract cataract

You should understand! Cataract leads not only to deterioration of vision and serious complications, but also to secondary diseases!

What are the main symptoms of cataract?

Cataract usually begins as a virtually asymptomatic disease. Patients do not immediately notice changes in their vision. With the progression and increase in opacity intensity, the first symptoms become visible. The picture becomes blurred, contrast is reduced, color vision worsens and double vision may appear. You may want to remove a «plastic film» from the eye or to clean «steamy glass». Glasses do not help and become useless for the patient.

Here are some of the symptoms:

  • Worsened visual contrast and sharpness;
  • Fog or dim vision, veil before the eyes;
  • Blurred contours of objects;
  • Change in the perception of colors;
  • Impaired perception of fine details;
  • Increased need in bright light, especially when reading;
  • Reduced sharpness of night vision;
  • Change in the optical power of glasses;
  • Possible occurrence of myopia;
  • Disappearance of object vision, the onset of reversible blindness.
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We can talk a lot about the symptoms; almost all of them indicate the presence of opacities in the lens, the localization and intensity of which determine their clinical symptoms.

You should know! If you notice such symptoms, you should make an appointment with an ophthalmologist as soon as possible! You must also remember that these symptoms can be the signs of other eye diseases, so do not delay your visit to the doctor!

What examination is conducted for cataract?

In our clinic we offer a detailed diagnostic examination, which is time and labor consuming and involves a thorough, complete examination of all the eye structures, as well as the study of biometric data of the patient's visual organ, which will later be used to plan the tactics of cataract extraction and calculation of parameters of an artificial lens. Examination of the posterior segment of the eyeball, including the vitreous and retina, in the presence of a marked opacity of the lens is difficult and sometimes even impossible to carry out. But examination of these structures is very important for the postoperative prognosis. This requires a series of additional, specialized examinations using unique equipment that we use in our practice.

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Here are the main examinations:

  • Measurement of visual acuity.
  • Autorefractometry.
  • Tonometry (intraocular pressure measurement).
  • Perimetry (visual field examination).
  • Biomicroscopy (study of the anterior segment of the eye).
  • Ophthalmoscopy (fundus study).
  • Ultrasound in A-mode.
  • Ultrasound in B-mode.
  • Endothelial biomicroscopy.

You should understand! Timely detection of eye diseases is the key to their successful treatment! Do not neglect a visit to the ophthalmologist!

What cataract treatment is currently used?

Currently, in our clinic we use both conservative treatment strategies for patients with the initial stage of cataract (before impairment of the visual function) and surgical treatment at the later stages of cataract development. As for medical treatment of cataract, we usually prescribe instillation of various anti-cataract drugs. These medications are usually prescribed according to the treatment schedule and are instilled 3 to 5 times a day. For example, these are drugs such as Quinax, Catalin, Catachrom, Oftan-Catachrom, Vita-Iodurol, Vitaphakol, Viceinum, Taufon and many others.

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Modern drug therapy for cataract is varied. Currently, there are dozens of different anti-cataract drugs. As a rule, they are recommended only at the initial stage of cataract, when the vision is not impaired. These drugs are aimed at metabolic activation, normalization of metabolism and redox balance in the lens. But it is necessary to bear in mind that it is almost impossible to achieve stable normalization of metabolism and resorption of opacities in the lens!

You should understand! Drops do not treat cataract and do not improve vision. They can only slow the rate of progression of opacities in the lens!

You should understand! Pay attention to advertising! To date there are neither medical nor physiotherapeutic methods of cataract treatment. The main treatment for cataract is surgery!

When to operate?

In the past, there was a strategy to wait for cataract maturation. This was due to the absence of non-traumatic high-tech methods to extract the opaque lens material. It could be removed completely and correctly only when it was quite tight, that is when cataract was “ripe”. The patient was forced to lose vision, up to light perception, so he/she had to limit the area of their interests and spend almost all the time at home, expose themselves to unnecessary risks, acquire unnecessary illnesses and face constant discomfort. Currently, there is no need to wait for cataract to “mature”. All ophthalmologists recommend cataract surgery at its early stages, when vision deteriorates. Thus, doctors restore patients’ vision and preserve it for many years.

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HOW is cataract operated in our clinic?

Our clinic is equipped with the most advanced ophthalmic equipment that allows cataract surgeries of any complexity, restoring vision to the extent possible. Furthermore, our operating theater is equipped with a system of sterile air supply, which provides a high anti-infective protection during surgery. We use the technique of phacoemulsification – the removal of an opaque lens with ultrasound. The surgery is absolutely safe and painless; it is performed with high accuracy and does not require suturing. Cataract phacoemulsification is performed through an access of only 1.8 mm in diameter, which is made on the periphery of the cornea. Then the opaque lens is removed with an ultrasonic tip and is replaced with a flexible intraocular lens using a special injector. The surgery does not require injections; it is performed under local eye drop anesthesia, and its duration does not exceed 10 minutes.

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Cataract phacoemulsification is performed on an outpatient basis, and soon after the surgery the patient goes home. There is no need for hospitalization!

The patient sees the improvement in vision right after the surgery; it reaches the maximum level within the first few days. Treatment of cataract with ultrasound is easily tolerated by people of all ages, even in the presence of comorbidities.

WHAT lenses are implanted in our clinic?

In our clinic, we implant intraocular lenses produced by reliable manufacturers, well established in clinical practice and providing the best possible vision after the surgery. The service life of such lenses is not limited. Lens material has excellent biocompatibility with the eye tissues and causes no allergy or inflammation.

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Apart from the main task – replacing the opaque natural lens with a transparent artificial one – modern cataract surgery simultaneously solves a number of other problems. Among them, in addition to selecting the optimal refraction and eliminating the existing astigmatism, there is also the issue of accommodation, or, in other words, the ability to focus on objects at different distances..

You should know! Modern cataract surgery not only helps to restore vision, but can also correct the existing refractive errors such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism and presbyopia (age-related farsightedness).

To make an appointment at Dr. Kurenkov’s Clinic or get information on the price of examination and treatment, please call +7 (495) 781-9333..

The cost of cataract surgery starts from 20,000 rubles.

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