Our task is to save your vision!/p>
According to recent medical statistics, retinal detachment is one of the leading causes of blindness in Russia. 70% of patients suffering from this disease are people of working age, who as a result of the disease are now visually impaired.
Vitreoretinal surgery is aimed at surgical treatment of diseases of the vitreous and retina and is the most high-tech sector in ophthalmic surgery. Most often such surgeries are performed for the purpose of local or complete removal of the vitreous body in case of its pathological changes and hemophthalmia, as well as during surgeries for retinal detachment and other vitreoretinal diseases.
- Retinal detachment is no longer a sentence!
- Timely treatment will restore your vision!
Our specialists have extensive experience in vitreoretinal surgery for the treatment of various forms of retinal detachment, including complex and advanced conditions, as well as other pathologies of the fundus. Such surgeries are performed in our clinic under general anesthesia with meeting all requirements of present-day eye microsurgery.
In our clinic, all patients with retinal pathology can get a preliminary consultation of vitreoretinologist for free.
Retinal detachment is a serious disease of the visual organ, in which the retina of the eye under the influence of pathological conditions loses contact with the choroid and detaches. It is manifested by a «curtain» or a dark shadow in the visual field with image distortion.

You should remember! Without urgent and appropriate surgical treatment retinal detachment can lead to complete loss of vision and blindness! Do not delay a visit to your ophthalmologist!
Vitreoretinal surgeries in our clinic are performed at the highest level. The clinic has a professional ophthalmic operating theater with supply of sterile air that provides high protection of the patient during any surgery, and high-tech equipment that allows performing all kinds of eye surgeries of any complexity, according to up-to-date international standards!
Detachment may be caused by dystrophic processes in the retina that lead to its thinning and breaks. Fluid penetrates from the vitreous into the subretinal space through a break; then, under the influence of its own weight, it detaches the retina from the underlying tissues. Such a mechanism is typical of dystrophic changes that are often observed in patients with advanced myopia; less often, in case of shortsightedness of medium and low degree in the peripheral retina.

Retinal detachment may also occur as a result of age-related and pathological changes in the vitreous body, during which, due to a change in the volume of the vitreous body and the presence of bands in the areas of its coupling with the retina, traction occurs, causing retinal breaks, which leads eventually to its detachment. Another cause of retinal detachment is circulatory disturbances, which results in degenerative processes of the retina; then it leads to detachment due to pathological changes. Another important factor of retinal detachment is blunt traumas and penetrating wounds of the eyeball. In addition, blunt traumas can provoke retinal detachment over time, even several years after the injury.
You should remember! Regular preventive examinations are required for identification and early warning of retinal detachment. An hour spent at the ophthalmologist’s office can save a human life!
What are the symptoms of retinal detachment?
Retinal detachment may be preceded by certain symptoms. Among the most frequent ones patients report the following:
- Appearance of floating and dark spots, bodies, both transparent and soot-like;
- Sudden flashes of light, sparks, lightning in one or both eyes;
- Loss of visual field, appearance of shadows or veil;
- Distortions in vision, with subsequent deterioration of object vision
These symptoms do not necessarily imply retinal detachment, but to understand their origin and their causes you should visit an ophthalmologist. Do not ignore these symptoms.
If you notice such symptoms, you should immediately consult your ophthalmologist and undergo a specialized diagnostic examination!
What diagnostic examination is necessary?
In our clinic, in case of suspected retinal detachment, in addition to classical methods of diagnosis: visual acuity measurement, biomicroscopy, intraocular pressure measurement, visual examination of the fundus (ophthalmoscopy), we use modern methods. Among them there is computerized diagnostic study of the visual field (computer perimetry) to determine lost visual fields and their location; ultrasonic B-scanning to assess the condition of the vitreous and the scale of retinal detachment. These studies identify the causes of retinal detachment and help to decide on further treatment.

You should remember! Early diagnosis of retinal detachment and timely treatment are the basic factors that prevent loss of vision, minimize the damage to the eyes, significantly increase a chance of cure and avoid the onset of blindness!
How should retinal detachment be treated?
Upon detection of retinal detachment patients need emergency surgical treatment. Vitreoretinal surgery should be performed as soon as possible. This is explained by the fact that the retinal nerve tissue quickly dies without a contact with the choroid that feeds it. It significantly affects the restoration of visual functions after the surgery. The purpose of the surgery is to detect a retinal break and eliminate it using laser coagulation or cryopexy. This allows restoring integrity, spreading the retina and repositioning it.

It requires a partial or complete removal of the vitreous (vitrectomy), for the purpose of getting access to the retina, and then, depending on the tactics, it is replaced with special intraocular medium – gas or silicone, thus mobilizing it. The duration of surgery varies between 30 minutes and 1.5 - 2 hours, depending on the complexity and the presence of complicating factors. In our clinic such surgeries are performed under general anesthesia.
To treat retinal detachment, vitreoretinal surgeons also use episcleral (and other types) sealing, as well as combined types of surgical interference.
You should know! If retinal detachment spreads and includes its central part and the macula, the loss of vision is much more serious, and the chance to get it back is much slimmer!
You should know! Retinal detachment cannot be treated using drops, pills or injections! Retinal detachment always requires immediate surgery which is the only possible way to restore vision and preserve your eyes!
You should also know! Without surgery, retinal detachment always leads to loss of vision, secondary changes and ends with the death of the eye and removing it!
To make an appointment at Dr. Kurenkov’s Clinic or to inquire about the cost of examination and treatment, please call +7 (495) 781-9333.
The price of vitreoretinal surgery starts from 28,000 rubles.